Digi-Growth Programme for Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

IMPORTANT NOTICE – You have a right to know how your personal information will be used when you engage with Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council as a participant on the Digi-Growth Programme. It is important that you carefully read the following before you sign this form. By signing you are agreeing to and authorising the use of your information as set out in the terms below.

GDPR 2018 (“The Act”) came into force on the 25th May 2018. It gives legal rights to individuals (Data Subjects) in respect of personal data processed about them by others. “Others” may include the Data Controller / Data Processor / Recipient or Third Party. Further details can be sourced from the Act or the Data Protection Principles. (Ref 1) The Act also defines categories of “Sensitive Personal Data” and the conditions for processing it. (See schedule 3 of the Act). The Data Controller is required to comply with the Data Protection Principles, which are set out in Part 1 of schedule 1 of the Act. (Ref 2) There are 6 Principles in the Act which are referred to as Principles of “good information handling”.

Applying the Data Protection definitions to the DigiGrowth Programme for Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is the Data Controller

ProfileTree is the Data Processor

The Digi-Growth Programme provides one-to-one specialist mentor support to local small & micro businesses on a range of subjects to meet individual participant needs and stimulate economic growth within the Council area.


The above organisations will use your information:

To deliver a programme of one-to-one mentor support to suit individual participant needs.

Your information will be stored for the purposes of managing and monitoring support as a participant on the Digi-Growth Programme.

To refer you to other relevant business support programmes/agencies.

For audit, compliance and regulatory reporting purposes where there may be disclosure of your information to auditors and, if required, to governmental and non-governmental regulators.

As Data Controller, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council requires your consent for the use of your data for these purposes.

Please tick appropriate box below in signature section. At any stage you have the right to opt out of making your information available to the Data Controller. Simply write to Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council directly. In addition, upon payment of a fee and by written request to us you are entitled to a copy of the personal data held about you by us, as provided for under the Data Protection Act. You also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your information.

Your information will only be used and disclosed as stated in this Notice